Friday, October 1, 2010

Vanessa Daou's Essentials for the Artist:

  1. Hone your work ethic, revel in your discipline
  2. Always feel the pulse of society
  3. Never lose your sense of wonder and awe of Nature
  4. Read everything from all fields, from science journals  to scrap booking
  5. Learn the roots of words, subscribe to the  Oxford English Dictionary
  6. Read dictionaries in other languages, write in languages you don't know
  7. Draw anything in order to understand it better
  8. Mark up your books, take notes, record your first impressions in the margins
  9. Keep a notebook of thoughts, observations, sketches,  meanderings
  10. Read what it is that instigates & intimidates you
  11. Learn from other artists who don't share your vision, voice, or aesthetic
  12. Always try to reach those who cannot see or hear
  13. Aim to move those whose hearts have been hardened
  14. Stop yourself when you are jaded or too confident
  15. Be as prepared for failure and for greatness
  16. Learn to lower your expectations
  17. Chose solitude over solidarity
  18. Leave some things unfinished
  19. Love the art you are in   
  20. Find your voice and dare to use it
  21. Offer up your own resistance
  22. Limit your possibilities 
  23. Explore your limitations 
  24. Remain standing

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